F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. User Guide


Say goodbye to chaos and hello to an organized and efficient classroom experience.

F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. is your friendly companion for efficient task and administrative management, allowing you to excel as a CS1101S Avenger. With this tool, you can effortlessly track assignment gradings, monitor student participation, and seamlessly plan tutorials, consultations, and mastery checks.

As Avengers ourselves, we understand the importance of managing both our time and our students effectively. F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. is the one-stop solution to streamlining your workload, making your life easier. It is designed to empower you with the benefits of a Command-Line Interface (CLI), all while preserving the advantages of having a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

If you are new to CLI, or unfamiliar with the commands F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. offers and need assistance, don't worry! This User Guide is your trusted assistant, and will guide you through every step and ensure that you can unlock the full potential of F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. Let's get started!

Table of Contents

 1 Introduction
      1.1 Table of Contents
      1.2 How to use the User Guide

 2 Graphical User Interface
      2.1 Student Card
      2.2 Task Card
      2.3 Assignment Cards
      2.4 Session Card
      2.5 Consultation Card

 3 Quick Start

 4 Command Format
      4.1 Command Parameters

 5 Features
      5.1 General Commands
            5.1.1 👀 Viewing Help : help
            5.1.2 🔀 Switching between different Tabs : tab
            5.1.3 🗑️ Clearing all Entries : clear
            5.1.4 🏃🚪 Exiting F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. : exit
            5.1.5 💾 Saving the Data
            5.1.6 🛠️ Editing the Data File
            5.1.7 💾 Archiving Data Files [coming in v2.0]

      5.2 Student Management
            5.2.1 📝 Adding a Student: add
            5.2.2 👀 Listing all Students : list
            5.2.3 🛠️ Editing a Student Field : edit
            5.2.4 🔎 Finding Student by Name: find
            5.2.5 ❌ Deleting a Student : delete

      5.3 Task Management
            5.3.1 📝 Adding a Task: addtask
            5.3.2 👀 Viewing Tasks: viewtasks
            5.3.3 🛠️ Updating a Task's Progress: updateprogress
            5.3.4 ❌ Deleting a Task: deletetask

      5.4 Attendance Management
            5.4.1 📆 Taking Attendance: takeattendance
            5.4.2 👀 Viewing Attendance: viewattendance

      5.5 Assignment Management
            5.5.1 👀 Viewing a list of Assignments: viewassignments
            5.5.2 🛠️ Editing an Assignment Grade: editgrade
            5.5.3 ❌ Deleting an Assignment Grade: deletegrade
            5.5.4 🛠️ Editing an Assignment Comment: editcomment
            5.5.5 ❌ Deleting an Assignment Comment: deletecomment

      5.6 Graded Test Management
            5.6.1 🛠️ Editing a Graded Test Score: editgradedtest

      5.7 Session Management
            5.7.1 📝 Creating a Session: createsession
            5.7.2 🛠️ Updating a Session's Remark: updatesessionremark
            5.7.3 ❌ Deleting a Session: deletesession

      5.8 Consultation Management
            5.8.1 📝 Creating a Consultation: createconsult
            5.8.2 📝 Adding Students to a Consultation: addtoconsult
            5.8.3 ❌ Removing Students from a Consultation: removefromconsult
            5.8.4 ❌ Deleting a Consultation: deleteconsult

 6 FAQ

 7 Known Issues

 8 Command Summary

 9 Encountering Errors

 10 Contacting Support

How to use the User Guide

You may refer to the Table of Contents for easy navigation of the User Guide.

The F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. User Guide employs a variety of visual cues to enhance the information it presents. The table below offers an overview of the typographical conventions used.

Convention Description
Monospace Used for code syntax
Bold text Used for important keywords
Hyperlink Used for link references

Convention Description
ℹ️ Note
Additional Information
⚠️ Warning
Caution Warning
💡 Tip
Useful Tips

Convention Description
🏃🚪 Exit
🔀 Switch Tabs
💾 Save Data
Archive Data
📝 Add
🛠️ Edit
🔎 Find
📆 Take Attendance
👀 View
🗑️ Clear
📖 Examples

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Graphical User Interface

UI with Annotations

F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.'s graphical user interface (GUI) consists of 6 main components:

  • Menu Bar
  • Tabs
  • Command Box
  • Command Result Display
  • Graphical Result Display
  • Current Panel

You may enter your commands in the Command Box and then press Enter to execute them. The resulting message will be shown in the Command Result Display box, and in Graphical Result Display if needed.

The following describes what each tab displays on the Current Panel:

  • Student Tab: Displays your student list and students' details.
  • Task Tab: Displays your task list and tasks' details.
  • Assignment Tab: Displays your assignment list.
  • Session Tab: Displays your session list and sessions' details.
  • Consultation Tab: Displays your consultation list and consultations' details.

Student Card

Student Card with Annotations

Task Card

Task Card with Annotations

Assignment Cards

Assignment Card with Annotations

Session Card

Session Card with Annotations

Consultation Card

Consultation Card with Annotations

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Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest fakejarvis.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S..

  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar fakejarvis.jar command to run the application.
    A GUI similar to the image below should appear in a few seconds.


    Note that the app will contain some sample data initially. You can use the clear command for a blank state.

⚠️ Warning:
  • This action is irreversible
  1. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • viewtasks : Lists all tasks.

    • deletetask 3: Deletes the 3rd task shown in the current task list.

    • createconsult d/10/10/2023 tt/15:00 n/John Doe n/Foo Bar : Creates a consultation with the students John Doe and Foo Bar.

    • createsession s/3 n/John Doe : Creates a session with session number 3 with the student John Doe.

    • exit : Exits the app.

  2. Refer to the Features below for details of each command and the Command Format for the specifications of each command.

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Command Format

The commands in the user guide adopt the following conventions:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in addtask tn/TASK_NAME, TASK_NAME is a parameter which can be specified, such as addtask tn/Do User Guide.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g tn/TASK_NAME [td/TASK_DESCRIPTION] can be used as tn/Do User Guide td/do before feedback or as tn/Do user Guide.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. [n/NAME]…​ can be used as (i.e. 0 times), n/John Doe, n/John Doe n/Foo Bar etc.

  • Items with / can only be used one time.
    e.g. tn/user guide / td/developer guide has to be used as tn/user guide or td/developer guide.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies tn/TASK_NAME td/TASK_DESCRIPTION, td/TASK_DESCRIPTION tn/TASK_NAME is also acceptable.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

ℹ️ Note:
  • If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.

Command Parameters

Most commands given in the user guide utilise various parameters which are also known as prefixes. To add a prefix to your command, follow this format: PREFIX/MESSAGE. A list of prefixes and their respective constraints are given in the table below.

Field Prefix Commands
NAME n/ add edit addtoconsult createconsult removefromconsult createsession takeattendance viewattendance The Name of a Student.
  • Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  • Names should not be blank.
PHONE p/ add edit The Phone Number of a Student.
  • Phone numbers should only contain numbers.
  • Numbers should be at least 3 digits.
EMAIL e/ add edit The Email of a Student.
  • Emails should be of the format local-part@domain.
  • The local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters +_.-.
  • The domain name must be @u.nus.edu.
TELEGRAM_HANDLE th/ add edit The Telegram Handle of a Student.
  • Telegram Handles can only use a-z, 0-9 and underscores.
TAG t/ add edit The Tag belonging to a Student.
  • Tags should only contain alphanumeric characters.
GRADED_TEST gt/ add edit The Scores of respective Graded Tests.
  • Graded Test should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  • Graded Test field should follow this format: gt/RA1:<SCORE> | RA2:<SCORE> | MidTerms:<SCORE> | Finals:<SCORE> | PE:<SCORE>, where <SCORE> must be a positive float.
READING_ASSESSMENT_1 ra1/ editgradedtest The Score of Reading Assessment 1.
  • Score should be a positive number.
READING_ASSESSMENT_2 ra2/ editgradedtest The Score of Reading Assessment 2.
  • Score should be a positive number.
MIDTERMS mt/ editgradedtest The Score of a MidTerms exam.
  • Score should be a positive number.
FINALS f/ editgradedtest The Score of a Finals exam.
  • Score should be a positive number.
PRACTICAL_EXAM pe/ editgradedtest The Score of a Practical exam.
  • Score should be a positive number.
ASSIGNMENT as/ editcomment deletecomment editgrade deletegrade The Name of an Assignment.
  • Name should exist in the list of possible assignments.
GRADE g/ editgrade The Grade of an Assignment.
  • Grade should be a positive number.
  • Grade should be less than or equal to (max grade + 75).
  • Grade should not have leading 0's.
COMMENT c/ editcomment The Comment of an Assignment.
  • Comment should be less than 200 characters.
  • Comment should not be empty.
DATE d/ addtask viewtasks createconsult The Date.
  • The format must be dd/MM/yyyy.
TIME tt/ createconsult The Time.
  • The format must be HH:mm.
  • Time must also be in 24-hour format.
SESSION_NUMBER s/ createsession deletesession takeattendance updatesessionremark The Session Number of a Session.
  • Session Number must only contain numbers.
  • Session Number should not be blank.
SESSION_REMARK r/ updatesessionremark The Remarks of a Session.
  • Remark must only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
ATTENDANCE_PRESENCE ap/ takeattendance The Presence of a student.
  • Only 2 possible values are allowed: PRESENT, ABSENT.
TASK_NAME tn/ addtask viewtasks The Name of a Task.
  • Name should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  • Name should not be blank.
TASK_DESCRIPTION td/ addtask viewtasks The Description of a Task.
  • Description should be less than 100 characters.
TASK_PRIORITY tp/ addtask viewtasks The Priority of a Task.
  • Only 3 possible values are allowed: HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW.
TASK_PROGRESS tprog/ addtask viewtasks updateprogress The Progress of a Task.
  • Only 3 possible values are allowed: NOT_STARTED, PENDING, DONE.
TAB_INDEX tab The Index of a Tab.
  • Only 5 possible values are allowed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
STUDENT_INDEX edit delete viewassignments editgrade deletegrade editcomment deletecomment editgradedtest The Index of a Student shown in the Student list.
  • Only positive integers are allowed.
  • Student Index should exist in the Student list.
TASK_INDEX updateprogress deletetask The Index of a Task.
  • Only positive integers are allowed.
  • Task Index should exist.
CONSULTATION_INDEX addtoconsult removefromconsult deleteconsult The Index of a Consultation.
  • Only positive integers are allowed.
  • Consultation Index should exist.

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This section describes each of the commands and features available in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

General Commands

This section describes commands that fit in no special category.

👀Viewing help : help

You can view a message detailing how to access the user guide if you require assistance in understanding the different commands and their formats.

Format: help

📖Example 1:

Input: help Opens up the help window.

Output: Opened help window.

Output Image: help message

🔀Switching between different Tabs: tab

You can navigate between different tabs in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. to view different lists on the panel.

Format: tab TAB_INDEX

Parameter Description
TAB_INDEX The index of the tab to switch to.
ℹ️ Note:

For the list of tab indexes to use:

  • Student List: 1
  • Task List: 2
  • Assignment List: 3
  • Session List: 4
  • Consultation List: 5

📖Example 1:

Input: tab 1 Switches to the student list tab.

Output: Switched to tab 1

Output Image: Screenshot of Tab 1

Clearing all Entries : clear

You can clear all data from F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. if you need to delete the database.

Format: clear

⚠️ Warning:
  • This action is irreversible

📖Example 1:

Input: clear Deletes all data in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

Output: Address book has been cleared!

Output Image: Screenshot of Clear

🏃🚪Exiting F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. : exit

You can exit the F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. application if you're done using the application.

Format: exit

💾Saving the Data

F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save the data manually.

🛠️Editing the Data File

F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. data are saved automatically as a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file [JAR file location]/data/fakejarvis.json. Advanced users are welcome to update the data directly by editing that data file.

⚠️ Warning:
  • If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. Hence, it is recommended to make a backup of the file before editing it.

💾Archiving Data Files [coming in v2.0]

Stay tuned for more features and enhancements in v2.0, including archiving data files and more!

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Student Management

This section describes commands that help you manage your students.

📝Adding a Student: add

You can add a student to F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. if you need to keep track of new students.


Parameter Description
NAME The name of the student.
PHONE The phone number of the student.
EMAIL The email address of the student.
TELEGRAM_HANDLE The telegram handle of the student.
TAG The tags associated with the student.
GRADED_TEST The scores of the graded tests associated with the student.

ℹ️ Note:
  • You can add any number of tags to a student! (including 0)
  • The format for gt/ is gt/RA1:<SCORE> | RA2:<SCORE> | MidTerms:<SCORE> | Finals:<SCORE> | PE:<SCORE>, where <SCORE> must be a positive float.

💡 Tip:
  • You can use gt/default to set graded tests scores as '-' !

📖Example 1:

Input: add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@u.nus.edu th/johnny01 gt/RA1:0 | RA2:0 | MidTerms:0 | Finals:0 | PE:0 Adds a person called John Doe into F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. He has 98765432 as his phone number, johnd@u.nus.edu as his email and johnny01 as his telegram handle. All his grades are also set to 0.

Output: New person added: Name: John Doe; Phone: 98765432; Email: johnd@u.nus.edu; Telegram Handle: johnny01; Tags: ; Graded Test: RA1: 0; RA2: 0; MidTerms: 0; Final: 0; PE: 0

Output Image: Screenshot of Add Student 1

👀Listing all Students : list

You can list out all students in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. if you need to view the complete student list.

Format: list

📖Example 1:

Input: list Shows all the students currently in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

Output: Listed all persons

Output Image: Screenshot of List Students

🛠️Editing a Student Field : edit

You can edit an existing student's fields in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. if you need to make changes to a student's information.


Parameter Description
STUDENT_INDEX The index of the student.
NAME The new name of the student.
PHONE The new phone number of the student.
EMAIL The new email address of the student.
TELEGRAM_HANDLE The new telegram handle of the student.
TAG The new tags associated with the student.
GRADED_TEST The new scores of the graded tests associated with the student.

ℹ️ Note:
  • Edits the person at the specified STUDENT_INDEX.
  • The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
  • The student index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided. (i.e NAME, PHONE, EMAIL, TELEGRAM_HANDLE, TAG, GRADED_TEST)
  • Editing tags overwrites existing tags; it's not cumulative.
  • You can remove all the person’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.
  • The format for gt/ is gt/RA1:<SCORE> | RA2:<SCORE> | MidTerms:<SCORE> | Finals:<SCORE> | PE:<SCORE>, where <SCORE> must be a positive float.

💡 Tip:
  • You can use gt/default to set graded tests scores as '-' !

📖Example 1:

Input: edit 1 p/91234567 e/johndoe@u.nus.edu Edits the phone number and email address of the 1st person to be 91234567 and johndoe@u.nus.edu.

Output: Edited Person: Name: Alex Yeoh; Phone: 91234567; Email: johndoe@u.nus.edu; Telegram Handle: alexYeohh; Tags: [friends]; Graded Test: RA1: -; RA2: -; MidTerms: 3; Final: 4; PE: 5

Output Image: Screenshot of Edit Student 1

🔎Finding Student by Name: find

You can find a student in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. if you're looking for certain students by their names.

Format: find KEYWORD…

Parameter Description
KEYWORD The keyword(s) to search for.

ℹ️ Note:
  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans.
  • Persons matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang.

📖Example 1:

Input: find John Finds students who have the john in their name.

Output: 1 persons listed!

Output Image: Screenshot of Find Student

❌Deleting a Student : delete

You can delete a specific student from F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. if they're no longer your student.

Format: delete STUDENT_INDEX

Parameter Description
STUDENT_INDEX The index of the student to be deleted.

ℹ️ Note:

  • Deletes the person at the specified STUDENT_INDEX.
  • The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
  • The student index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

📖Example 1:

Input: list followed by delete 2 Deletes the 2nd student in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

Output: Deleted Person: Name: Bernice Yu; Phone: 99272758; Email: berniceyu@u.nus.edu; Telegram Handle: berrynice123; Tags: [colleagues][friends]; Graded Test: RA1: -; RA2: -; MidTerms: 3; Final: 4; PE: 5

Output Image:


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Task Management

This section describes commands that help you manage your tasks.

📝Adding a Task: addtask

You can add a task to your task list if you have a new item to include in your list of things to do.


Parameter Description
TASK_NAME The name of the task.
TASK_DESCRIPTION The description of the task.
DATE The due date or deadline of the task.
TASK_PRIORITY The priority level of the task. Given as HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW.

📖Example 1:

Input: addtask tn/Prepare Lecture slides d/30/09/2023 tp/high Creates a task to prepare lecture slides with a high priority due on September 30, 2023.

Output: Task has been added: Prepare Lecture slides; Description: No Description Provided; Priority: HIGH; Date: 2023-09-30; Progress: NOT_STARTED

Output Image:


👀Viewing Tasks: viewtasks

You can view your list of tasks if you want to check and manage your current set of to-do list.

Format: viewtasks [tn/TASK_NAME] / [td/TASK_DESCRIPTION] / [d/DATE] / [tp/TASK_PRIORITY] / [tprog/TASK_PROGRESS]

Parameter Description
TASK_NAME The name of the task.
TASK_DESCRIPTION The description of the task.
DATE The due date or deadline of the task.
TASK_PRIORITY The priority level of the task. Given as HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW.
TASK_PROGRESS The progress level of the task. Given as DONE, PENDING or NOT_STARTED.

ℹ️ Note:

  • Only the task name, task description, due date, task priority and task progress are searched.
  • Only one field can be searched at a time.
  • The search is case-insensitive, e.g. cs2101 will match CS2101.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter, e.g. quant book will match book quant.
  • If no task matching the search criteria is found, the resulting task list will be blank.

📖Example 1:

Input: viewtasks Displays all tasks in the user's task list.

Output: 4 tasks listed!

Output Image:


📖Example 2:

Input: viewtasks d/30/09/2023 Displays tasks due on September 30, 2023.

Output: 1 tasks listed!

Output Image:


🛠️Updating a Task's Progress: updateprogress

You can update a task's progress if there are changes to the status of a particular task on your list.

Format: updateprogress TASK_INDEX tprog/NEW_PROGRESS

Parameter Description
TASK_INDEX The index of the task to update the progress.
NEW_PROGRESS The new progress level of the task. Given as DONE, PENDING, or NOT_STARTED.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The task index refers to the index number shown in the displayed task list.
  • The task index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the task list.

📖Example 1:

Input: updateprogress 1 tprog/pending Updates the progress of the 1st task as pending.

Output: Updated Task: Do 2103T; Description: Homework assignment; Priority: HIGH; Date: 2023-10-22; Progress: PENDING

Output Image:


❌Deleting a Task: deletetask

You can delete a task from your task list if you no longer need to keep it on your list of things to do.

Format: deletetask TASK_INDEX

Parameter Description
TASK_INDEX The index of the task to delete.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The task index refers to the index number shown in the displayed task list.
  • The task index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the task list.

📖Example 1:

Input: deletetask 3 Deletes the 3rd task from the task list.

Output: Deleted Task: Do cs2100; Description: Remember mips; Priority: HIGH; Date: 2023-10-22; Progress: DONE

Output Image:


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Attendance Management

This section describes commands that help you manage your students' attendance.

📆Taking Attendance: takeattendance

You can take the attendance of your student(s) if you need to record their presence for a session.

Format: takeattendance n/NAME s/SESSION_NUMBER ap/PRESENCE

Parameter Description
STUDENT_NAME The name of the student.
SESSION_NUMBER The session number of the session.
PRESENCE The attendance status of the student. Given as PRESENT or ABSENT.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The student must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.
  • The session with the session number must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

📖Example 1:

Input: takeattendance n/Alex Yeoh s/1 ap/present Marks Alex Yeoh as present on the 1st session.

Output: Attendance taken

Output Image:


👀Viewing Attendance: viewattendance

You can view the attendance list of your students if you want to check and review their attendance records.

Format: viewattendance [n/NAME]…

Parameter Description
NAME The name of the student(s) you want to view the attendance of.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The student must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.
  • Omitting n/STUDENT_NAME will display the overall attendance across all students and sessions.

📖Example 1:

Input: viewattendance Displays the overall attendance across all students and sessions.

Output: 2 sessions listed!

Output Image:


📖Example 2:

Input: viewattendance n/David Li n/Alex Yeoh Displays all the sessions that David Li and Alex Yeoh have attended.

Output: 2 sessions listed!

Output Image:


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Assignment Management

This section describes commands that help you manage your students' assignments.

👀Viewing a list of Assignments: viewassignments

You can view the list of assignment grades and comments of a student if you want to assess and review the feedback provided for each assignment.

Format: viewassignments STUDENT_INDEX

Parameter Description
STUDENT_INDEX The index of the student.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
  • The student index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list.

📖Example 1:

Input: viewassignments 2 shows the 2nd student's assignment grades and comments.

Output: Showing all assignment details of: Charlotte Oliveiro

Output Image:


🛠️Editing an Assignment Grade: editgrade

You can edit your student's assignment grade if there is a need to make adjustments or corrections to the initially assigned grade.


Parameter Description
STUDENT_INDEX The index of the student.
ASSIGNMENT The name of the assignment.
GRADE The new score of the student.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
  • The student index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list.
  • The name of the assignment must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.
  • The grade must not be a negative integer.
  • The grade must not be greater than the maximum grade of the assignment by more than 75.

📖Example 1:

Input: editgrade 1 as/Rune Trials g/600 Edits the grade of the 1st student's Rune Trial assignment to 600.

Output: Edited grade to assignment: Rune Trials

Output Image:


❌Deleting an Assignment Grade: deletegrade

You can delete your student's assignment grade if you need to remove or reset the previously assigned grade for a particular assignment.

Format: deletegrade STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT

Parameter Description
STUDENT_INDEX The index of the student.
ASSIGNMENT The name of the assignment.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
  • The student index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list.
  • The name of the assignment must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.
  • The assignment must have already been graded.

📖Example 1:

Input: deletegrade 1 as/Rune Trials deletes the 1st student's Rune Trials grade.

Output: Deleted grade from assignment: Rune Trials

Output Image:


🛠️Editing an Assignment Comment: editcomment

You can edit the comment of your student's assignment if you need to make changes or additions to the feedback provided for a specific assignment.


Parameter Description
STUDENT_INDEX The index of the student.
ASSIGNMENT The name of the assignment.
COMMENT The new comment.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
  • The student index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list.
  • The name of the assignment must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.
  • The comment must not be empty
  • The comment must be within 200 characters.

📖Example 1:

Input: editcomment 1 as/Rune Trials c/Decent Changes the comment on the 1st student's Rune Trials assignment to “Decent”.

Output: Edited comment to assignment: Rune Trials

Output Image:


❌Deleting an Assignment Comment: deletecomment

You can delete the comment tagged to your student's assignment if you want to remove or revise the feedback associated with that particular assignment.

Format: deletecomment STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT

Parameter Description
STUDENT_INDEX The index of the student.
ASSIGNMENT The name of the assignment.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
  • The student index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list.
  • The name of the assignment must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.
  • The assignment must have already been commented on.

📖Example 1:

Input: deletecomment 1 as/Rune Trials Deletes the comment on the 1st student's Rune Trials assignment if it exists.

Output: Deleted comment from assignment: Rune Trials

Output Image:


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Graded Test Management

This section describes commands tht help you manage your students' graded tests.

🛠️Editing a Graded Test Score: editgradedtest

You can edit your student's graded test scores if you need to make adjustments or corrections to their initially recorded test scores.


Parameter Description
STUDENT_INDEX The index of the student.
READING_ASSESSMENT_1 The new score of the student's Reading Assessment 1.
READING_ASSESSMENT_2 The new score of the student's Reading Assessment 2.
MIDTERMS The new score of the student's MidTerms.
FINALS The new score of the student's Final Assessment.
PRACTICAL_EXAM The new score of the student's Practical Exam.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The student index refers to the index number shown in the displayed student list.
  • The student index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the student list.
  • The order of the graded test field(s) does not matter.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided. (i.e READING_ASSESSMENT_1, READING_ASSESSMENT_2, MIDTERMS, FINALS, PRACTICAL_EXAM)

📖Example 1:

Input: editgradedtest 1 ra1/1 ra2/2 mt/3 f/4 pe/5 Edits the corresponding graded test scores for the 1st person Alex Yeoh.

Output: Edited Person: Name: Alex Yeoh; Phone: 91234567; Email: johndoe@u.nus.edu; Telegram Handle: alexYeohh; Tags: [friends]; Graded Test: RA1: 1; RA2: 2; MidTerms: 3; Final: 4; PE: 5

Output Image: Screenshot of edit graded test

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Session Management

This section describes commands that help you manage your sessions.

📝Creating a Session: createsession

You can create a session for any upcoming or past sessions if you need to schedule or document your class sessions in the system.

Format: createsession s/SESSION_NUMBER [n/NAME]…

Parameter Description
SESSION_NUMBER The session number of the session.
NAME The name of the student(s).

ℹ️ Note:

  • The name of the student must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.
  • The session with the session number must not exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

📖Example 1:

Input: createsession s/3 n/Alex Yeoh Creates a session with session no. 3 with Alex Yeoh.

Output: New session added: Session: 3; Students: Alex Yeoh; Remark: NA

Output Image:


🛠️Updating a Session's Remark: updatesessionremark

You can update an existing session's remark if you need to change or add additional information to the session notes or details.

Format: updatesessionremark s/SESSION_NUMBER r/SESSION_REMARK

Parameter Description
SESSION_NUMBER The session number of the session.
SESSION_REMARK The new remark to be updated for the session.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The session with the session number must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

📖Example 1:

Input: updatesessionremark s/2 r/Teach Essence of Recursion Updates the remark for session number 2 to "Teach Essence of Recursion".

Output: Session remarks updated: Session: 2; Students: Charlotte Oliveiro David Li Alex Yeoh Irfan Ibrahim Roy Balakrishnan ; Remark: Teach Essence of Recursion

Output Image:


❌Deleting a Session: deletesession

You can delete an existing session specified by its session number if you need to remove or clear the session record from the system.

Format: deletesession s/SESSION_NUMBER

Parameter Description
SESSION_NUMBER The session number of the session.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The session number must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

📖Example 1:

Input: deletesession s/1 Deletes the session with session number 1 from the session list.

Output: Deleted Session: Session: 1; Students: Charlotte Oliveiro David Li Alex Yeoh Irfan Ibrahim Roy Balakrishnan ; Remark: NA

Output Image:


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Consultation Management

This section describes commands that help you manage your consultations with students.

📝Creating a Consultation: createconsult

You can create a consultation with your students if you need to schedule or document consultations in the system.

Format: createconsult d/DATE tt/TIME [n/NAME]…

Parameter Description
DATE The date of consultation.
TIME The time of consultation.
NAME The name of the student(s).

ℹ️ Note:

  • The name of the students must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

📖Example 1:

Input: createconsult d/30/10/2023 tt/12:30 n/Alex Yeoh Creates a consultation for Alex Yeoh on 2023-10-30 12:30.

Output: New consultation added: Date: 2023-10-30; Time: 12:30; Students: Alex Yeoh

Output Image:


📝️Adding Students to a Consultation: addtoconsult

You can add your student(s) into a consultation slot if you need to track students in your consultations.

Format: addtoconsult CONSULTATION_INDEX n/NAME…

Parameter Description
CONSULTATION_INDEX The index of the consultation in the list of upcoming consultations.
NAME The name of the student to be added to the consultation.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The consultation index refers to the index number shown in the displayed consultation list.
  • The consultation index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the consultation list.
  • The name of the student must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

📖Example 1:

Input: addtoconsult 1 n/David Li n/Roy Balakrishnan Adds David Li and Roy Balakrishnan to the 1st consultation in the list.

Output: New student(s) added to consultation at index 1: Date: 2023-11-11; Time: 11:11; Students: Bernice Yu, David Li, Alex Yeoh, Roy Balakrishnan

Output Image:


❌Removing Students from a Consultation: removefromconsult

You can remove your student(s) from a consultation if you need to cancel your student's participation in the scheduled consultation.

Format: removefromconsult CONSULTATION_INDEX n/NAME…

Parameter Description
CONSULTATION_INDEX The index of the consultation in the list of upcoming consultations.
NAME The name of the student to be removed from the consultation.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The consultation index refers to the index number shown in the displayed consultation list.
  • The consultation index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the consultation list.
  • The name of the student must exist in F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

📖Example 1:

Input: removefromconsult 1 n/David Li Removes David Li from the 1st consultation in the list.

Output: Student(s) removed from consultation at index 1: Date: 2023-11-11; Time: 11:11; Students: Alex Yeoh, Roy Balakrishnan

Output Image:


❌Deleting a Consultation: deleteconsult

You can delete the consultation slot specified by an index if you need to remove or clear the scheduled consultation from the system.

Format: deleteconsult CONSULTATION_INDEX

Parameter Description
CONSULTATION_INDEX The index of the consultation in the list of upcoming consultations.

ℹ️ Note:

  • The consultation index refers to the index number shown in the displayed consultation list.
  • The consultation index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ that is within the range of the consultation list.

📖Example 1:

Input: deleteconsult 1 Deletes the 1st consultation in the consultation list.

Output: Deleted Consultation: Date: 2023-11-11; Time: 11:11; Students: Alex Yeoh, Roy Balakrishnan

Output Image:


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Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A: You can install the app in the other computer and replace the sample data files with the data files in your previous F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. folder.

Q: How do I reset all the grades of my student?

A: You can use the edit command and enter the following: edit STUDENT_INDEX gt/default, and all the scores will be set to -.

Q: How can I efficiently edit my student's graded test score

A: You can use the editgradedtest command to dynamically update your student's graded test scores.

ℹ️ Note:

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Known Issues

Issue: I cannot access F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. after using multiple screens on my device.

  • If you move the F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI will open off-screen.


  • To solve this issue, simply delete the preferences.json file created by F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. before running the application again.
ℹ️ Note:
  • The preferences.json file can be found in the folder where you downloaded/saved F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

Issue: I cannot add Names, Tags and TelegramHandles with special characters.

  • Names, Tags and TelegramHandles are not able to accept special characters (e.g Spencer O'Brian, Mohan S/O Rohan, façade, bob.the.best123).


  • As a workaround, you may omit the special characters and input just the alphanumeric characters.
  • For TelegramHandles, you may replace .(dot) with _(underscore).

Issue: I cannot add other email domains to the list.

  • Emails are only limited to NUS emails.


  • Unfortunately, as of the current version of F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. we only support NUS emails ending with @u.nus.edu.

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Command summary

General commands

Action Format
Help help help
Switch Tabs tab TAB_INDEX tab 4
Exit exit exit
Clear clear clear

Student commands

Action Format
Add Student add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL th/TELEGRAM_HANDLE [t/TAG]…​ [gt/GRADED_TEST] add n/James Ho p/12345678 e/jamesho@u.nus.edu th/james03 t/friend t/colleague gt/default
List Students list list
Edit Student edit STUDENT_INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [th/TELGRAM_HANDLE] [t/TAG]…[gt/GRADEDTEST] edit 2 n/James Lee e/jameslee@u.nus.edu gt/default
Find Student find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS] find John
find alex david
Delete Student delete STUDENT_INDEX delete 3

Task commands

Action Format
Add Task addtask tn/TASK_NAME td/TASK_DESCRIPTION d/DUE_DATE tp/TASK_PRIORITY addtask tn/Prepare Lecture slides d/30/09/2023 tp/high,
addtask tn/Read Chapter 5
View Tasks viewtasks [tn/TASK_NAME] / [td/TASK_DESCRIPTION] / [d/DUE_DATE] / [tp/TASK_PRIORITY] / <br/>[tprog/TASK_PROGRESS] viewtasks,
viewtasks tp/high,
viewtasks d/30/09/2023
Update Progress updateprogress TASK_INDEX tprog/NEW_PROGRESS updateprogress 1 tprog/pending,
updateprogress 3 tprog/done
Delete Task deletetask TASK_INDEX deletetask 3,
deletetask 2

Attendance commands

Action Format
Take Attendance takeattendance n/STUDENT_NAME s/SESSION p/PRESENCE takeattendance n/John Doe s/5 present,
takeattendance n/Foo Bar s/2 absent
View Attendance viewattendance [n/STUDENT_NAME]… viewattendance,
viewattendance n/Rayan,
viewattendance n/Jayson n/Resley

Assignment commands

Action Format
View Assignments viewassignments STUDENT_INDEX viewassignments 1,
viewassignments 2
Edit Grade editgrade STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT g/GRADE editgrade 1 as/Functional Expressionism g/1200,
editgrade 2 as/Rune Reading g/1000
Delete Grade deletegrade STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT deletegrade 1 as/Functional Expressionism,
deletegrade 2 as/Rune Reading
Edit Comment editcomment STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT c/COMMENT editcomment 1 as/Functional Expressionism c/Decent,
editcomment 2 as/Rune Reading c/Great
Delete Comment deletecomment STUDENT_INDEX as/ASSIGNMENT deletecomment 1 as/Functional Expressionism,
deletecomment 2 as/Rune Reading

Graded Test commands

Action Format
Edit Graded Test editgradedtest STUDENT_INDEX [ra1/READING_ASSESSMENT_1] [ra2/READING_ASSESSMENT_2] [mt/MIDTERMS] [f/FINALS] [pe/PRACTICAL_EXAM] editgradedtest 1 ra1/90 ra2/80 mt/85 f/88 pe/95,
editgradedtest 2 mt/78 ra1/33 f/80

Session commands

Action Format
Create Session createsession s/SESSION_NUMBER n/STUDENT_NAME… createsession s/4 n/Betsy Crower n/David Li
Update Session Remark updatesessionremark s/SESSION_NUMBER r/REMARK updatesessionremark s/2 r/Teach Essence of Recursion,
updatesessionremark s/4 r/Taught streams and metacircular evalutator
Delete Session deletesession s/SESSION_NUMBER deletesession s/1,
deletesession s/4

Consultation commands

Action Format
Create Consultation createconsult d/DATE tt/TIME n/STUDENT_NAME… createconsult d/30/10/2023 tt/12:30 n/Alex Yeoh,
createconsult d/30/09/2023 tt/15:30 n/Alex Yeoh n/Betsy Crower n/David Li
Add To Consultation addtoconsult CONSULTATION_INDEX n/STUDENT_NAME… addtoconsult 2 n/Betsy Crower,
addtoconsult 1 n/David Li n/Roy Balakrishnan
Remove From Consultation removefromconsult CONSULTATION_INDEX n/STUDENT_NAME… removefromconsult 2 n/Betsy Crower
Delete Consultation deleteconsult CONSULTATION_INDEX deleteconsult 1

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Encountering Errors

If you encounter any issues while using F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S., please refer to this section for troubleshooting advice. This section aims to help you better understand the messages that you may receive and what it means to you. If the issue persists, please contact support (see next section).

What it means
How to resolve
Unknown command You have supplied a command that was unrecognisable.
e.g. Command word was given in upper case.
1. Double-check the spelling and case of the command.
2. Refer to the features section above for the correct commands.
Invalid command format! You have supplied a command with the incorrect format.
e.g. Command is missing the compulsory parameters.
1. Double-check the command format and the parameters required.
2. Refer to the features section above for the correct command formats.
The Index provided is invalid You have provided an index that is out of the range of the number of items. 1. Only provide Indexes that are within the range of the list.
e.g. if there are 3 items in the list, the valid indexes that can be used are (1, 2, 3).
At least one field to edit must be provided. You have not provided a field to edit. 1. Double-check that a prefix and a field were provided together with the command.
This task / person already exists in the task list / student list. You have tried to either add a duplicate entry with the same fields, or edit an entry such that all the fields are duplicates of an existing entry. 1. Double-check that the fields supplied are correct.
2. Remove the old entry from F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.
Date needs to be a valid date and in the format dd/MM/yyyy. You have supplied the date in an unrecognisable format. 1. Double-check that the format of the date provided is dd/MM/yyyy (e.g. 28/10/2023)
Time needs to be a valid time and in the format HH:mm. You have supplied the time in an unrecognisable format. 1. Double-check that the format of the time provided is HH:mm (e.g. 22:00)

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Contacting Support

If you need further assistance with F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. please contact our support team at support@fakejarvis.org.