Project: F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.

F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S. is a brownfield project built on Address Book 3 (AB3), with the intention to help CS1101S Avengers manage their Teaching Assistant (TA) duties.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature 1: Added the Graded Test component
    • What it does: Enables users to view the graded tests of their students at a glance.
    • Justification: Currently in CS1101S, the Avengers would have to navigate through the many folders in Canvas to access their student's results 1 by 1. This process is time-consuming as the grades are not consolidated in one single platform.
    • Highlights: The graded tests are displayed within the Student's card, enabling the Avengers to retrieve their student's grades at a glance. This provides a super convenient way for Avengers to better track their student's performance.
    • Credits: No reuse of code or third-party libraries used.

  • New Feature 2: Added the ability to edit graded tests.
    • What it does: Enables users to dynamically edit their student's graded test scores.
    • Justification: The ability to edit graded test scores is essential to accommodate situations where grades may need to be adjusted, updated, or corrected.
    • Highlights: As the fields are optional, users can easily modify the scores for individual components of a student's graded test, without having to key in the scores for the unconcerned fields. Moreover, graded test scores can be edited via the edit and editgradedtest command.
    • Credits: No reuse of code or third-party libraries used.
Type Justification
gt/RA1:<SCORE> | RA2:<SCORE> | MidTerms:<SCORE> | Finals:<SCORE> | PE:<SCORE>
  • Readability: The command is more descriptive, making it clear that it is editing a person's graded test.
  • Flexibility: Users can potentially edit other person-related attributes if needed in the future by extending the command.
    editgradedtest ra1/<SCORE> ra2/<SCORE> mt/<SCORE> f/<SCORE> pe/<SCORE>
    • Conciseness: It's shorter and easier to type, which can be beneficial if users need to edit graded test scores frequently.
    • Consistency: If the primary use case for this command is editing graded test scores, it might provide a more streamlined experience.

      • Code contributed: raydenlim's RepoSense

      • Project management:

      • Enhancements to existing features:

        • Enhanced the GUI by appending images next to the email, phone number and telegram fields.
      • Enhancements implemented:

      • Documentation:

        • Contributions to User Guide:

          • Added documentation for Graded Test Management Section.
          • Organised the format of the User Guide.
          • Expanded on the command summary with examples.
          • Updated the Tables of Content.

        • Contributions Developer Guide:

          • Designed the class diagram for GradedTest.
          • Designed the sequence diagram for EditGradedTestCommand.
          • Designed the activity diagram for createEditedGradedTestPerson.
          • Added the Use cases for edit graded test.
          • Added the Planned Enhancement Appendix.
          • Organised the Use cases.
      • Community:

        • Contributions to team-based tasks:

          • Updated User Guide and Error Messages to be more lucid.
          • Set up a Google SpreadSheet for PE-D PE-D Excelsheet.
          • Made the logo for F.A.K.E.J.A.R.V.I.S.
          • Update the logo of the UI.
          • Bug Hunting.

        • Review/mentoring contributions:

        • Contributions beyond the project team:

      • Tools:
        • Java
        • IntelliJ
        • FXML
        • PlantUML
        • GitHub
        • CSS
        • Markbind
        • CATcher Smoke Test